Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our home

So we moved into our home in October 2009. The yard as you can see was a blank slate. I've since put in two beds on either side of the stairs and a front strip of about 3 feet wide and all along the front are now planted with roses in a lasagna bed of cardboard and bark mulch.

The back yard also was a blank slate. I've rototilled the lawn on the left side of the sidewalk and have planted 2 apple trees, 3 raspberries, 1 thornless blackberry, strawberries, 1 fig tree, cinder blocked veggie beds. Well only one and half beds have been built as i need to purchase more cinder blocks. I think I might put in an arbour just on the right side of that walkway and plant an apple tree (whips right now) on either side so they can espaliered into "walls". Roses would be planted to cover the arbour. That's my plan in my head right now anyway.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hi There,

I'm posting later than I originally thought I would but Dad had actually gotten hit by a car while riding his bike across an intersection. Thank goodness his injuries are relatively minor with a broker collar bone and cracked shoulder blade - could have been much worse as he did go flying onto the hood of the car and then back off!!!! So we 're now at their place most of the time.

Well we're getting ready for our vacation to Europe for a total of 10 days. We'll be moving into our house 5 days after we get back. It'll be so nice to have "our" home back, our own place. The parent's have been great for putting up with us coming and going.

For now here's some harvest pics:
Little Prince eggplants - must be coming to an end soon.

Last of the hibiscus blooms:

The first and last: 'Pineapple' Tomato - this tomato plant was in too much shade while at the townhouse - first half of the season I would say. I may try it again at the house if i have space. The Purple Peacock Pole beans as well are were cut back during the move so I'm just happy to see any beans at all this year. And last but not least is the 'Green Zebra' which so far has been the most prolific and sweet tomato!!!

The greenhouse!!!! I can't wait til it gets put up!!!

Della Balfour after a couple of showers she is still beautiful.

The last of the 'Gypsy' peppers. They have been great this year as I've already harvested a few red peppers - these late lingerers may not turn red but will still be tasty in a thai green curry with the eggplants. Yummmm

I'm hoping these persimmons will ripen before they get nipped by frost.

And last but not least this is my Ovale Bianco eggplant. I've already harvested a couple of ostrich egg sized fruits and these will be the last I guess.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hi All,

I'm so excited to start this blog.

My boyfriend and I have recently sold the townhouse and bought a house together. Our purchase of the house completion/move-in date isn't until October 9, 2009 so we have a month to go. The townhouse though was sold quickly and have moved out to our two parent's place impatiently waiting out this time. My "garden" is all in pots scattered all over my parent's yard. I'm so glad they let me do that - atleast I'll have some plant material to start with. Thanks Mom's and Dad for putting up with us!!! And to brother's and sisters that have helped us move-out or will be helping us move-in.

The weather is starting to turn now and Fall is definitely here. Gotta pick the peppers, tomatos and eggplants remaining on the plants soon.

Thanks for stopping by!!! I will post some harvesting pics this weekend.